Like I've mentioned in a previous post, I've started reading again, just for my own pleasure. This is probably the third time in my life I've been able to make that statement, and it be true. The two times before now look something like this:
1.) The Christy Miller Series as a pre-teen/teenager
2.) The Christy Miller Series as a teenager/post-teen
Think I'm being facetious? I assure you, I'm not. It's just never been an enjoyable pasttime for me (Unless, of course, the reading is about Todd and Christy's Christ-centered-teenage-angst-ridden-romance. That subject matter could always hold my interest!).
I digress...
Many of the blogs I've read lately talk about using this blog outlet as a form of accountability (that includes you, Julie) for certain goals or commitments one may have. So, dear readers (well...Dad), you have to be subject to my desire for accountability as I seek to expand my mind through reading. The idea for me is to keep myself "educated" and not let my mind turn to mush because of too much television or blah work stuff. I'll post what I've read so far this year, and if anyone has any good recommendations, feel free to post them as well!
Here it goes...
1. Emma by Jane Austin
2. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith
current...Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis