Monday, January 7, 2008

It's been a while!

It's hard to believe the holiday season for 2007 has already come and long gone. Here we are, into January, and this month is going to be over before I know it. I'm excited for all that 2008 has in store, but I have to admit that I'm clinging to the end of 2007 with all that I have. Our Christmas decorations are still out and the tree is still standing and decorated. I guess it's a combination of avoiding the inevitable and being too busy to just do it.
We had an eventful Christmas season, this being our first Christmas as a family. We went Christmas concerting (4x), a Christmas Eve servicing, Ladies' Christmas Tea attending, family dinners eating, family game time facilitating (the boys rocked the girls at Sequence), gift exchanging, movie-watching, and a head-cold getting.
Josh and I spent Christmas morning in the cozy of our own home with a fire and some blankets and our beautiful tree. After we gave our gifts to each other, we mozied on over to Josh's parent's house for more celebrating and a very delcious brunch, compliments of Mama Hilliger.
Unfortuantely, because of Christmas being on a Tuesday, we didn't get any time off work, so it was back to the grind the next day. But, lucky me! I got a serious head cold that week and was sick all the way through New Year's day and then some. We spent a rockin' New Year's on the couch under blankets and empty kleenex boxes. Oh well...we'll make up for it next year!
Here's to a new year: May it be full of blessings, challenges, joys, and God's grace to cover it all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, it sounds like quite a joyful end to 2007. Just so you know, you and your new hubbie were sorely missed in good ol' Fremont where games were played, great food was inhaled and many laughs were shared.