Thursday, August 28, 2008

I heart the Hollywood Bowl

Last week, we made another visit to the Bowl. As I sit here and think about it, it feels like we've been there a lot lately. I guess it's just that fun. For a wedding gift, my brother-in-law gave us a rad picnic-basket-backpack-thing. We love it and use it as much as we can. So, with a picnic dinner in hand--er, on back-- (taco salad, flatbread and hummus, and white wine. I know...not exactly your typical picnic menu), we sat back and enjoyed a night of Jazz. We went there specifically for Jamie Cullum. Unfortunately the two opening bands played so long (and were fairly boring) that it was after 10p by the time Jamie made it on stage. Don't tell anyone, but I actually fell asleep during one of his slower songs. As Josh says, I'm the oldest 25 year old he knows. I have trouble hanging past 10pm.
Anyway....I heart the Hollywood Bowl, and I think you should, too. And Jamie Cullum. And Trader Joe's flatbread. Oh, and picnics.


Anonymous said...

Your blog made me smile. love, Mom

Anonymous said...

I know what the food is and the white wine, but who the heck is Jamie Cullum? And what's so bad about being exhausted at 10:00 pm?

Heidi Jo said...

How fun! I love Jamie Cullum!

Adam and Laura said...

I am about as jealous as one can get. I love jamie Cullum and I love food and picnics. And Laura loves Trader Joe's. But I can also see the Black Forest right now. Okay, I'm happy again!